Author Archives: Judith Whitney-Terry

Program for Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tom Ryan, Vice Chair Eastham 400 Commemorative Committee, “Observing the 400th Anniversary of the First Encounter”

How can a commemoration serve to address today’s important questions? The Eastham 400 Commemorative Committee has been focusing on re-membering our area’s origin story of the violent musket and arrow First Encounter of December 8, 1620 to release competing narratives and pervasive themes. Why do this hard work of lamentation and reconciliation? What in these stories can prepare us to face future challenges as individuals and as a community? Learn about and participate in this project on Sunday, May 19 at Chapel in the Pines.

Tom Ryan lives in Eastham and serves as the consultant on liturgy, architecture and liturgical art for the Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans. He has served as the Director of the Center for Pastoral Liturgy at The Catholic University of America in Washington DC, coordinator of Liturgical Architecture for the Archdiocese of Boston, and liturgist for the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston. Tom is internationally known for his writings, including The Sacristy Manual – the definitive guide for all English-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries, and The St. Andrew’s Bible Missal. He is on the Board of Directors of the Cape Cod Council of Churches, and Coordinator of the Barnstable County Human Rights Commission.

Program for Sunday, May 12, 2019

“Preventing Domestic Violence and Abuse on Cape Cod”

For 40 years, Independence House has been helping domestic violence and sexual assault victims, survivors and their children by creating opportunities to find safety and become empowered through crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, referral, outreach, prevention, education and inspiring change in our community.

Chris Morin will present information on the work Independence House does to prevent violence in relationships, promote healthy and safe communities, and inspire change in our community. She will talk about the “Mentors in Violence Prevention” program in area High Schools and the coalition-led Enough Abuse Campaign, which educates community members about the prevention of child sexual abuse

Bringing the Clothesline Project to Orleans (2019)

Chris Morin began work at Independence House in 2011 and is presently the Director of Prevention, Education and Outreach.  Her initial training in domestic and sexual violence was in Virginia, working on the Statewide Hotline for the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Although her primary job responsibilities are prevention and education, she is a trained domestic and sexual violence counselor and covers the Provincetown office.

Program for Sunday, March 24, 2019

Climate Justice Sunday with Richard Delaney

Climate Changes are Happening Now. . . .

This discussion will focus on global, national and local impacts from rapidly warming climate and what actions are happening and need to happen in order to mitigate the worst scenarios.

Richard Delaney is the President and CEO of the Center for Coastal Studies. Previously, he served as founding Director of the Urban Harbors Institute at University of Massachusetts Boston;  Assistant Secretary of Environmental Affairs and Director of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program.  He is an officer in the Global Ocean Forum and has organized international “Ocean Days” at many climate conferences including the Paris Climate Conference in 2015.   He is also founding President of the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative.

Program for Sunday March 17, 2019

Aisling Gainer presents “Chair Yoga with a Bit of Ireland”

Aisling explains: “My love for dance and movement is where I found my love of yoga. Raised in Ireland and growing up an Irish dancer, it was brilliant to find a practice less jarring on my joints. Through the deeper connection with breath, yoga has made me a happier, healthier, and saner human being. I receive inspiration by all those who have struggled in any way and still find a way to say ‘thank you’ and mean it.”

Aisling’s program for us will involve movement, music, and instruction as she shares with us her love of yoga and its abilities to heal and transform.

Aisling Gainer is a well-known and much appreciated teacher. She lives in Orleans, MA.

Program for Sunday, March 10, 2019

A musical morning with Cumberland – the acoustic duo of Jim Rohrer and Lynda Shuster

Cumberland performs the traditional songs and tunes of Southern Appalachians accompanied by guitar, banjo, tenor banjo and mandolin. Jim and Lynda draw heavily on the repertoire of the Carter Family and early bluegrass and string band music, and weave these influences into contemporary songs as well.

Jim Rohrer has toured and recorded with Southern Rail. His is currently host of WOMR’s Bradford Street Bluegrass. Lynda Shuster is also a member of Bourbon Street.

Program for Sunday, March 31, 2019

“Minding and Mending our Brain: Memory Matters,” a talk by Jaya Karlson

We can influence the function of our brain in very positive ways. Current neuroscience research into the brain has given us a much more complete portrait of brain functioning than has ever before been possible.  In this program we”ll focus on where memory is stored in the brain and how we can nurture and build this area through movement and the foods we eat. With a little knowledge and effort, our brain and our memory can be well cared for! 

Jaya Karlson, of Wellfleet, has been a natural therapeutics and somatic specialist for 3 decades. She teaches qigong, meditation, and yoga and has deep interest in the ways of mind/body connection.

Program for Sunday, February 24, 2019

“Living with my Wild Neighbors”, a talk by Stephanie Ellis with Nickerson

Help! A bird struck my window…,” or
“There’s a baby squirrel at my doorstep…” 

Sometimes our feathered and furry neighbors need a healing hand from Wild Care, a nonprofit wildlife hospital located in Eastham dedicated to the rescue and release of injured and orphaned wildlife on Cape Cod.  Wild Care rehabilitates over 1,700 animals per year–everything from Bald Eagles to White-Footed mice. Wild Care Executive Director Stephanie Ellis will discuss “what to do” when you find animals in distress and will provide tips on living with our wild neighbors. She will also bring special guests, “Nickerson,” an educational Eastern Screech Owl, and “turtle #45,” Wild Care’s beloved educational Eastern Box Turtle. 

Stephanie Ellis has been working with wildlife for nearly a decade on both coasts, and holds a special affinity for birds. She was the Animal Care Coordinator of the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley and served as Executive Director of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society in California, and as the Interim Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory. She has been at the helm of Wild Care’s wildlife rehabilitation work since 2016. 

Program for Sunday, February 10, 2019

“Unitarian Principles in Executing Millennium Stone Statues”

How might the principles of Unitarianism inflect artistic choices and practice? Environmental scientist and artist John Brault will talk us through the process of envisioning, sourcing and sculpting his recently finished life-sized statue of the “Green Mountain Boy.”

This stone statue is made of a stone quarried in the Green Mountain National Forest called Verde Antique. It is known as the world’s premier luxury stone, often found in antique Boston furniture. The Verde Antique stone is also known as the world’ hardest and oldest stone, and therefore before the “Green Mountain Boy,” deemed impractical for stone art. 

John Brault has a degree in environmental science, but has spent the past twenty years as a full-time professional artist, carving and painting wildlife. John spent a lot of time as a little boy roaming on Cape Cod beaches in the late 1960’s, and has returned here the last two winters to volunteer for the New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance’s Team Mola. He is currently preparing for his next life-sized statue of a “Fisherwomen,” to be done Lake Champlain Black Marble.

Program for Sunday, January 27, 2019

Join Playwright Candace Perry and Joanne Powers for a reading of Perry’s short play, “The Tour.” The story follows two sisters as they negotiate to buy a timeshare in a renovated historic plantation. The reading will be followed by a talkback with the audience and by general conversation and coffee hour at 11:00. A fun, up close and personal way to experience theater in the making. All are welcome.

Perry began her playwriting career in 1989 when the Provincetown Theatre Company produced her one act, Keepers. Since then, she’s had more than thirty short plays produced in Provincetown and elsewhere, has written four full length plays, and won some awards. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild and the Provincetown Playwrights’ Lab, and a treasured resident of Wellfleet. Learn more about Candace Perry at