Bob Prescott: “Looking Back, Looking Forward . . . 50 Years of Nature Observation”
This September, Bob Prescott will retire as Director of Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary after nearly 40 years of service. What is he reflecting on as he prepares to step back from his leadership role? What is he anticipating as he looks forward to the next chapter in his life? Join us for what is sure to be a fascinating hour with one of the most beloved naturalists on Cape Cod.

In addition to his other leadership roles with the Sanctuary, Bob is the Massachusetts Coordinator for the Northeast Sea Turtle Stranding Network. He has a degree in wildlife biology from the University of Massachusetts and has studied such diverse topics as whale strandings, harbor seal distribution around Cape Cod, and, most recently, the home ranges of box turtles. His particular interests include seabirds and coastal ecosystems. Bob has led tours throughout the world, including Baja, Costa Rica, the Galápagos Islands, Churchill, Antarctica, Belize, and Big Bend, Texas.